(一)目前的多重检测技术主要是检测显色染料、金属同位素、荧光基团等发出的信号来达到检测标志物的目的。各个mIHC/IF平台的工作原理图(Diagram howing mechanim of each of the mIHC/IF platform)如图1所示:
图1A. DISCOVERY ULTRA ytem : af ter pr ima ry ant ibo dy incubati on, a econd ary an tibody label led with HRP i intr oduc ed. The H RP i reac ted wi th an a ppropri at e u b tr at e bo un d to a ch romo geni c d ye, le adi ng t o th e pr ec ip it at io n of i n o l u b l e , c o l o u r e d p r e c i p i t a t e a t t h e i t e w h e r e t h e a n t i g e n a r e f o u n d .
图1B. Metal-baed IHC technique uch a IMC and MIBI: a pr ima ry ant ibo dy bou nd to the ta rget a ntigen i ta gged with a m etal io tope of know n mo lecul ar ma . A nalyi i ca rried o ut u i ng m a p ec tr om et ry in MIB I a nd la er a bl at io n co up le d to m a c y t o m e t r y i n I M C .
图1C. Vectra : aft er pri mar y a nti bod y incuba tion, a eco ndary antibo dy l abel led with HRP i intr oduc ed. A fluo ropho re-con jugated t yr am id e mo le cu le er ve a the ub tr ate fo r HR P, r e ul ti ng i n an a nt ig e n - a o c i a t e d f l u o r e c e n c e i g n a l .
图1D. Nanotring’ DSP : the ta rge t a nti gen will bind the p rimary antib ody wh ich i coupl ed t o a phot o cl eava ble olig onucl eotid e tag . UV l ight i u e d to c le av e th e ol ig on ucle otid e t ag an d i c ol le ct ed u i ng a m ic ro c a p i l l a r y t u b e a n d t o r e d i n a m i c r o p l a t e w e l l . T h e o l i g o n u c l e o t i d e t a g w i l l b i n d t o t h e r e p o r t e r p r o b e v i a t h e t a r g e t - p e c i f i c c a p t u r e p r o b e . R e p o r t e r p r o b e a r e i m a g e d a n d c o u n t e d b y t h e n C o u n t e r a n a l y i y t e m .
(二)现有的多重检测技术可同时检测5-40+标志物,不同成像平台的比较(Overview and comparion of the different imaging modalitie)如表1所示:
表1. Overview and comparion of the different imaging modalitie
(三)Vectra, Chipcytometry, or DISCOVERY ULTRA平台mIHC/IF图像示例(Repreentative mIHC/IF image captured through the Vectra, Chipcytometry, or DISCOVERY ULTRA imaging ytem):
图2. Repreentative mIHC/IF image captured through the Vectra, Chipcytometry, or DISCOVERY ULTRA imaging ytem.
mIHC/IF of pancreatic adenocarcinoma FFPE ection labelled with DAPI (blue), CD73 (green), CD8 (yellow), CD68 (red), FoxP3 (cyan), CD3(magenta) and CK (orange) were canned uing the Vectra imaging ytem.
Moue pancrea FFPE ection labelled with CD45 (brown), CD274(green), CD3e (purple), CD4 (cyan), CD8a (pink), CD11b (yellow), CD31 (darkbrown), CD326/EpCAM (red), B220 (orange), F4/80 (blue), NK1.1 (purple), Pan-CK(maroon), Hoecht 33342 (dark blue) were canned uing the Chip cytometry imaging ytem.
Cholangiocarcinoma FFPE ection labelled with CD20 (blue), CD8(red), CD68 (turquoie), CD3 (yellow) were canned uing the DISCOVERY ULTRA imaging ytem.
(四)IMC技术最大的优势在于可同时检测40+标志物,图3为人体组织切片IMC图像示例(Repreentative IMC image of human tiue ection):
图3. Each image depict the tumor microenvironment with the following immune cell lineage:
T cell panel
(A; C D 4 5 R O d e p i c t e d i
e e n
, C
K i n cya n ,
col l ag e
n i n y
ell o w ,
C D8 i n r e d
, C D4 i n m a ge n ta , and K i 67 i n w
h i t e)
Baic lineage panel (B; CD68 in green, CD20 in cyan, PD-L1 in yellow, VISTA in red, CD3 in magenta, and CD45 in white)
Function panel (C; OX40 in green, CD38 in cyan, Ki67 in yellow, ecadherin in red, collagen in magenta, and granzymeB in white).
(五)mIHC/IF图像分析仍然面临很多挑战,现有的解决方案各有优劣势,其中HitoCAT、QuPath属于开源的分析软件,常用的mIHC/IF 图像分析平台(Some of the commonly adopted analytic platform for mIHC/IF)优劣势比较如下:
表2. Some of the commonly adopted analytic platform for mIHC/IF
(六)Ultivue’ InSituPlex可使用普通的荧光显微镜成像,不需要配置昂贵的显微镜,因此可在大部分实验室开展检测。图4为人体组织样本Ultivue’ InSituPlex图像示例(Repreentative Ultivue’ InSituPlex image of human tiue ample labelled with CD8 (green), CD68 (yellow), PD-L1 (red) and CK/Sox10 (cyan)):
图4. Repreentative Ultivue’ InSituPlex image of human tiue ample labelled with CD8 (green), CD68 (yellow), PD-L1 (red) and CK/Sox10(cyan). Whole lide imaging of tonil ection (A), high magnification view ofHCC (B), and radioembolization-treated HCC (C, Y-90 viible a microphere).
(七)目前已研究过多种mIHC/IF Panel,通过同时分析多个标志物来预测患者接受PD-1/PD-L1抑制剂治疗的应答反应。Meta分析中使用mIHC/IF技术的文献清单(Lit of paper uing mIHC/IF in the meta-analyi)如下:
表3. Lit of paper uing mIHC/IF in the meta-analyi
迈杰转化医学作为国内精准诊断整体解决方案的领导者,致力于解决精准医疗药物研发及患者用药痛点,围绕生物标志物研究、伴随诊断开发,建立了完善的核酸组学、蛋白组学、细胞组学技术平台。我们拥有国内领先的IHC检测平台,配备有Leica Bond Max、Ventana BenchMark、Dako Autotainer Link48三大进口自动化平台,以及用于mIHC检测的Leica Bond RX、PerkinElmerVectra3 Sytem平台,在mIHC检测方法学开发及验证方面积累了丰富的经验,如三标四色的Panel(CD4, CD8, PD-L1 ),及五标六色的Panel(CD4, CD8, CD163, PD-L1, Pan-Keratin)等,如有mIHC检测方法开发及服务需求,请联系迈杰转化医学商务部(邮箱:
Overview of multiplex immunohitochemitry/immunofluorecence technique in the era of cancer immunotherapy - Tan - 2020 - Cancer Communication - Wiley Online Library(http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cac2.12023)